Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Erik Taylor and the Ugly Entourage of the Dredges of Society

Nothing as dumb as old meth whores! Yes, I'm talking about the "friends" of Erik Taylor. Poor things don't have a life of their own so they feel compelled to involve themselves in stranger's lives. I can't imagine how bored you'd have to be to do that. I didn't know it was possible to be that bored.

Thanks so much for your interest in what I've written about Erik Taylor. Why you even want to read it is beyond me. I make it clear I hate Erik Taylor. You can't convince me that he's not an asshole. So why go out of your way to find everything I've written? It's not as if what I'm writing is great lit- for god's sake, I'm venting, you morons. This is a very small sliver of my life. And I have a life filled with all sorts of interesting things that keep me busy. Then some asshole from my past feels the need to reconnect and I'm reminded of why I think he is an asshole.

Get off your tweeker ass and do something. Make yourself useful- do volunteer work. Learn something- read a book. Hell, watch tv. Hit your pipe a few more times and have a few more drinks. But to act as if you're involved in a total stranger's life makes you a pathetic fool with too much free time on your hands.

Hmm, I just thought of this. I'll bet it has something to do with low IQs and being raised in front of a tv by dysfunctional parents who don't know how to parent. They never learned how to amuse themselves.

Erik's Ugly Entourage of the Dredges of Society , perfect examples of the unwashed masses. They're lucky they live in a society where we don't kill the useless members- you know the ones, who steal, cheat and are always looking for a way to get something for nothing. Who do a half assed job on just about everything they attempt and blame it on someone- anyone else.

Enjoy trying to put yourself in my life. This is the closest you'll ever get. Maybe I'll start sharing the stories Erik told about his hanger ons (his words- you dumb bitches- ) Nah, I have other things I'd rather do and you all are so typical and boring- your lives consist of same old shit, new day.