Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Erik Taylor is WEAK

Jeez, Erik- you are the ultimate little weakling aren't you- got those dumb bitches involved because you can't win. Pretty mean of you to throw such stupid imbeciles to the wolves- or more accurately, the big bad wolf.

I was a dumb bitch to have anything to do with Erik-but I realized he was a liar pretty quick- I also refused to let him pull any of his crap and I'll be damned if I'll put up with ANY MORE shit from him- which has pissed that petty little controlling tyrant off to no end- he's never been able to control me like he's always been able to do with women. What a moron! You don't have to know me well to know that trying to control me is a waste of time and will cause you huge headaches.

So Erik, you dumb fuck- you need a big dose of reality again. Let's talk about you and I, loser. Let's talk about how you have been asking me to move in with you since the first night you met me and every time I said no you turned into a vindictive bitch- how about when you get violent- you fucking bastard. How you love me one day and if I don't do what you say, you hate me the next. You're a psycho!

Gee Erik- don't want anyone to know how you caught me in a moment of weakness and you moved me into your house last month. Guess that makes you look real dumb for calling ME a stalker. Hell, I just hate you and want to vent all the shit I've dealt with from you. But back to YOU, after 2 and a half years of trying- finally got me to move in with you. I realized what a mistake I'd made and couldn't wait until you went to work so I could move myself right out the next morning. You'll be holding that grudge of how I "rejected " you yet again for a long time. Try and deny you moved me in Erik- I have the e-mail where you bitch me out about the house key- you know- the key to your house YOU gave me when You moved me in.

Erik has severe emotional problems and needs help. He's so screwed up. And he screwed up with me. I actually loved the jerk at one time.

Erik LOVES to tell people I'm stalking him. He only wishes I was stalking him. That's what he likes to say so he won't have to admit he has been rejected by a hooker. OOPS! I'm not supposed to tell anyone that. Oh well too late. Yep, I'm that hooker- the hooker that Erik fell in love with. He's going to be pissed as hell that said that. He doesn't want anyone to know we met because he was a customer of mine. and that he fell in love with a hooker.

Erik needs to stop lying to himself and to everyone around him. and he damn well better stop lying about me. He needs to stop dragging other people into the issues he and I have. He might want to consider what will happen if some of my friends get a hold of him. They really hate men who hit women. Erik would be a dead man.

Oh, and Erik- you still owe me money. If you'd just pay me- you wouldn't hear from me again. But you just have to hang on somehow, don't you? I want it over and done with- I've had more than enough of you to last me forever.