Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Still Feel the Same About You Erik Taylor

I still can't stand you, Erik Taylor. You hit me, you lied to me and you are still lying about me. I'll bet you lie to yourself, too, Creep!

I can't believe I agreed to move in with you and then actually moved in with you! I'm still not sure why I did that. Definitely was out of character for me. Why I said "Yes" after all those other times I said "No" is a mystery to me. Nothing had changed. You hadn't changed. I suppose I was hoping you had. I should know better. People rarely change and people like you NEVER change. You don't grow, mature or evolve. You're stuck on stupid and going nowhere.

You were lucky that I waited until morning to move out. You got lucky in more ways than you think. I knew I couldn't (and wouldn't) live with you the first time you raised your voice and told me how things were going to be (The Erik Taylor way, always Erik's way).

You're a creep, Erik. A controlling creep who can't control your own life.

Your "friends" are stupid, creepy and butt-ugly! Brain damaged drug addicts who can't hold a thought, let alone make sense.