Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bravo Erik Taylor

Things I should have said to Erik Taylor instead of the note I left telling him, nicely, that I moved out because I was uncomfortable with the situation.  

Hey Erik! Good job of getting me to move in- and ever better job of making me realize what a huge mistake it was. Thanks for doing it so quickly! Not even 24 hours.  I was convinced enough to move out that next morning.

You deserve every bad thing that happens to you. You're such a selfish, self centered person. You only care about yourself.

You think I like being yelled over NOTHING? Oh wait, I told you repeatedly to stop yelling at me and I didn't like it. Is that "normal" communication in your world? It must be because you do it all the time. It's a miserable way to live & I'm not willing to do it. Are you that dumb? Don't you know there are better ways to communicate? How do you feel when you get yelled at? All I know is I don't need anyone who acts as bad as you do in my life. I don't want someone who thinks yelling is acceptable in my life.

The last thing I wanted was to live with a controlling tyrant who thought it was acceptable to tell me what I could and couldn't do and how I was going to live my life. You don't get to tell me what to do! Just who do you think you are? I make my own decisions. I don't need you to make them for me.

The nerve of you! You expected me to basically be a slave, work for free. It's not as if you are a generous guy, either. You take take take. It's all about Erik, what Erik wants, what can be done to make Erik's life easier. That's just sick! I have my own life and  it's just as important as yours. You wouldn't think so the way you act.

You've always done the following, but in that one night I lived with you it hit home just how unreasonable you are. You "solved" every difference of opinion we had by deciding "we" would do it your way. How could you possibly think that's okay? You think that's how I wanted it? Sound fair to you? Just because I didn't say anything each time you did it that night doesn't mean it didn't really bother me. I was just trying not to argue with you. I didn't want to be yelled at. I was hoping you were acting like such a total asshole because of the situation (nerves, stress, over excitement...) but by morning I realized that you would always do that and you would become angry if I didn't agree with you and do it your way. I knew that when you had me dependent on you, you would use that to get your own way. You are pathetic.

I've said it before but you lost the best thing you ever had a chance at. You had a chance to grow as a person. You could have learned how to communicate without yelling. You could have learned how to deal with your anger issues. Yeah, Erik, I could have taught you a lot. You forget what I used to do for a living. I dealt with people with your issues. You should learn to appreciate chances you get and to show your appreciation by being kind and respectful.

It was such a relief when I moved my stuff out of your house. I couldn't imagine living day after day with someone as mean and unreasonable as you. You are way too used of the doormat girlfriends- like your current live in idiot who you are quick to say "isn't your girlfriend" . Bullshit! That's your stand in girlfriend- that is until you find someone else better to take your current loser's place. I can't believe she's dumb enough to let you pull that- replacing her and kicking her out. She may be stupid but you're really a mean asshole.

As for me- were you a brain dead idiot?  How could you ever have believed that I would let you get away with your crap for very long? I tolerate bad behavior just long enough for me to assess the situation (and make sure I'm not misreading something, or am out of line). When I realize it's someone being a jerk, I have to do something. I sure as hell won't let them continue to treat me badly. Nobody gets to treat me like crap and I'll let them. I deserve better. Much better.

I don't care what YOU want now. When it comes to you, all that matters is what I need and want. How does it feel? That's how you treated me all this time. The difference is you claimed you loved me when you were treating me so badly. I warned you what happens when you treat me badly. I refuse to take it anymore.

You're welcome, Erik Taylor. Nice of you to thank me for cleaning up your dirty kitchen.  Oh, that's right,  you never thanked me. Never even acknowledged it. There's no way you couldn't have not noticed it had been cleaned. Your kitchen was disgustingly filthy.  You  just take everything for granted, don't you Erik?
You have no manners, show no appreciation when someone cleans up YOUR mess.  "Please" and "Thank you" are words you should be using Erik, and using them often.