Thursday, July 9, 2009

Erik Taylor in a Nutshell

This is the type of behavior you can expect from Erik Taylor

**He's pretty much all talk without ever backing it up- from what he tells you he'll help you with, to what he offers to do for you , to what he wants to do to you.

**shallow & selfish

**a tyrant, a controlling little jerk. Has to have his way on everything.

**dishonest, lies about most things

**Unreliable- never never never depend on Erik. Erik thinks nothing of flaking, doesn't even bother to let you know & if you bring it up he goes off on a tirade- blaming you for everything & making up stuff so he can keep screaming & not let you get a word in edgewise. He wouldn't want something as unimportant as the TRUTH to get in the way.

**self centered- it's all about Erik, or he's not interested

**physically violent at times, emotionally abusive most of the time. Erik has to have women who don't have opinions of their own. That are willing to let Erik decide everything. The only women Erik does well with are the doormat kind of women.

**He's critical & mean & yells a lot. He's got a hair trigger temper & takes out his anger on whoever he thinks he can get away with doing it to.

**He holds grudges- but he won't tell you he's angry. Petty, petty man