Friday, July 3, 2009

I Think Erik Taylor Is Some Kind Of Sociopath

A total fake, a fraud, that describes Erik Taylor. He lies constantly. He lies about EVERYTHING. You can't believe ANYTHING he says. He'll make so many promises, tell you what he's going to do for you. How much he loves you. He doesn't deliver on anything. He's all talk.

As for love, I doubt Erik has ever felt love. I truly believe he's some kind of sociopath. He can look you right in the eye and tell you he loves you and then a few minutes later tell you to fuck off and die. His mood swings are scary and happen for no apparent reason.

Erik wants you to believe he is well off. He drives an old-man Mercedes or his "mid-life crisis" Harley. Who is he kidding? He's a broke middle aged man who wanted to be a rock star and can't let go of that fantasy. He lives in a crappy little house in a bad neighborhood. He lives in filth, unless he can get some dumb woman to clean up after him. He works temp construction jobs.

The truth about Erik Taylor is that he has no morals and no integrity. He is a LOSER!